The Toy Trade Show Handbook For Toy People


How many toy trade shows do you know about?

Did you know that there is a special toy trade show just for high-end specialty toys?

Another for board game enthusiasts?

And yet another that’s curated specifically for inventors?

If you aren’t in the toy industry it’s hard to know about all of these different shows. Why is that? Because they don’t promote one another! The biggest show, known worldwide is the North American International Toy Fair held in the Jacob Javits Convention Center, and plenty of toy inventors have never even heard of it! That toy fair is so big that Shaq made an appearance in 2020. Yes, it’s true, Google it!

Well, what good is a great idea for a toy if you don’t know where to go to pitch it?

My thoughts exactly.


After scouring the internet for a compilation of the top toy trade shows I gave up. And then? I decided to create one of my very own.

Look, I’ve been in the toy industry for 10 years and I have never come across a guide quite like this.

Can you find some of this info online yourself?

Yes. Yes, you can.

How will you find it if you have no idea these shows exist?

Honestly, I have no clue.

But YOU don’t have to worry about that.


BECAUSE THE TOY TRADE SHOW HANDBOOK FOR TOY PEOPLE IS HERE… 🎉and you can get your copy right now. Just scroll down.


This downloadable guide features a charted comparison of the top 13 Toy Trade Shows across the globe, comparing cost, giving you industry known nicknames, contact info, websites, AND a description of WHAT each show is known for and WHO each show is best for.

My favorite part of this downloadable PDF is the highlighted noteworthy offerings for inventors and entrepreneurs.

When you attend your first trade show you’ll see, it’s a HUGE space and an even bigger event. It’s a weekend or an entire week full of speeches, classes, and meetings. If you blink, you’ll miss them.

Well not anymore. This handbook highlights—literally—highlights the noteworthy offerings from each show.

And yes, considering the coronavirus pandemic I have included updated show dates and virtual show offerings wherever applicable.

Ok—ok so how much is it?

I wanted to make sure this handbook was accessible for ALL aspiring toy creators.

I want to give you a taste of how big, magical, and supportive this industry can be without you needing to break the bank.

So how much is it?

$40? $80?

No way! It’s less than $10!

That’s right. You can get a detailed overview of the top 13 trade shows and pitch events for less than you spend on takeout!

Just click Get It Now, to get your digital copy of The Trade Show Handbook For Toy People today.

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